Sunday, October 25, 2009


 photo by blakcars

Fun.....I laugh at you. You share the funny with me. Mirrored actions keep me at bay. I more than enjoy this shit. Moments are only moments, yet I feel this to the core. I don't even know what tomorrow brings. I don't even care what tomorrow brings. Today everyday is fine with me. You think you fine with me? Yet. You think you cool with me? You think you know me? You think you like the way we talk? The way we dance? You like that groove? Let's repeat that tune. Hold hands. Kiss with closed eyes and let that moment take that vision. Eat on soft floors. Talk no more. Make sure there are locked doors. Release from fabrics. Tilt that air. Let me join you. Let me in you as you. For that time I am no more. Who are you but we in this moment? Who am I but we in this time? Who cares what to call what has now become. Plenum.

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