Thursday, March 26, 2009

While listening to Ibe's latest beat..........

Who is it that determines success… it you? No. Repeat after me……ME. I determine. If I left it to niggas they would never respond to first email. I have to be a persistent bastard. I ask my dad for advice. He’s always right, but he’s also in his late 40s. He couldn’t get Theophilus more than he could spell it. But like I said he’s right. Im just left. Friends I grew up with all I say I left. I still live in The Bronx, how far have I gone. That’s just the physical though. Mentally…I’ve been gone. Nigga we could tape our separate conversations for 2 weeks and not have one thing that we both said match. Don’t blame me. Blame existence. That’s all I’m doing….existing……

I put my heart on my sleeve and my mind in my wallet. Some get to toy with it. They see it there and cant believe its so visible. They think im different for it. I am different, but it aint because of that. They play with my heart and I allow it…..hoping for something. Something to take it off my sleeve and place it next to theirs……but. No one does that. They see it lying there and they grab it and throw it and catch it. Its crazy….they think my heart is a bouncing ball. I allow it till play time is over. When that happens, they usually get mad. They say I’ve changed. No….my brain just came out of my wallet. Now it is your loss. You fucking mistake a heart for a bouncing ball. Idiot. Now leave…….

This physical shit is irrelevant. Skin dies and re-grows. You’ll never speak the same of your soul. I am so pissed with bullshit. And I am the Taurus. Taurean is what she wanted us to call me. I have no complaints, but it does get annoying repeating the same word over and over to the guy saying Toreen. If my name was Toreen, I would of said Toreen. But no you heard Taurean. Address me as such. Is there a place where there is no you or me….and just us……we….them…..I hope…..

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